Old Europe (2021)

Old Europe (2021)

Old Europe: House, Fire, the Goddess, and Ambiguity (2021) This presentation was given on December 1, 2021, as the 3rd Marija Gimbutas Memorial Lecture in the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. The presentation coincided with the 100th anniversary of the birth...
Archaeological Houses (1995)

Archaeological Houses (1995)

Archaeological houses, households, housework and the home (1995)This article was originally presented at an international conference on “The Home” in Trondheim, Norway in August 1992, to which I was invited as one of the keynote speakers.  The article was...
Engendered Places (1994)

Engendered Places (1994)

Engendered Places in Prehistory (1995) This article was a follow up to the “Households with Faces” article in Engendering Archaeology and the “Men and Women in Prehistoric Architecture” article. This article was written for a new journal of...
Weaving House Life and Death (2005)

Weaving House Life and Death (2005)

Weaving house life and death into places: a blueprint for a hypermedia narrative (2005) This article is the published version of a presentation that I was invited to give at an international conference at Cardiff University, UK in May 2003 on “(Un)settling the...
Life After Selevac (1992)

Life After Selevac (1992)

Life after Selevac: Why and How a Neolithic Settlement is abandoned (1992) This article was written as part of the Festschrift for Yugoslav (Serbian) archaeologist Nikola Tasic’s 60th birthday. He is the past director of the Institute of Balkan Studies in...