Archaeological Houses (1995)

Archaeological Houses (1995)

Archaeological houses, households, housework and the home (1995)This article was originally presented at an international conference on “The Home” in Trondheim, Norway in August 1992, to which I was invited as one of the keynote speakers.  The article was...
Engendered Places (1994)

Engendered Places (1994)

Engendered Places in Prehistory (1995) This article was a follow up to the “Households with Faces” article in Engendering Archaeology and the “Men and Women in Prehistoric Architecture” article. This article was written for a new journal of...
Experimentation, Ethnoarchaeology, Leapfrogs (1978)

Experimentation, Ethnoarchaeology, Leapfrogs (1978)

Experimentation, Ethnoarchaeology and the Leapfrogs in Archaeological Methodology (1978)This chapter was originally presented in a symposium in the School of American Research Advanced Seminar series held in Santa Fe, New Mexico during November 17-21, 1975. This was...