Ruth Tringham List of Interviews
Debates and Discussions
1973 Debate on Canadian TV: Ruth Tringham versus Eric von Däniken on the validity of the Chariot of the Gods (link to mp3 audio transcript of video debate, 72 MB).
October 1987: Henrietta Moore and others discuss Ruth Tringham’s paper at the “Women in Production Conference” at the Wedge, North Carolina (the infamous “Faceless blobs” event). Link to audio file.
October 2007 “Personal Histories 2007”, movie of the panel held at Cambridge University, with Meg Conkey, Henrietta Moore, Ruth Tringham, and Alison Wylie. Link to download page for 3-part video
2008. Starhawk and Donna Read discuss Marija Gimbutas with Meg Conkey and Ruth Tringham for their movie Signs Out of Time.
June 2010. Discussion between Eric Blind, chief archaeologist at the SF Presidio Trust and Ruth Tringham on the experience of 5-year collaboration between UCB and the Presidio. The discussion was part of Storycorps American experience recordings. Link to audio.
May 23, 2012. Kwame Braun interviews Michael Ashley and Ruth Tringham about Re-Photography for the UCB On the Same Page initiative. Link to video.
Live Interviews
2000-2002 Michael Balter interviews Ruth Tringham during fieldwork at Çatalhöyük for his book “The Goddess and the Bull”. Extracts from 9 mp3 files, link.
March 2004 Patricia Maughan, project manager of the UCB Mellon Library/Faculty Fellowship project (RET was one in 2003) interviews Ruth Tringham about digital education. Link to video.
March 2006 FIPSE (Federal Education) assessment team interview Ruth Tringham for Scholars Box project (precursor of Remixing Çatalhöyük project) funded by the FIPSE program. Link to audio.
2007 Noah Wittman, project manager of Remixing Çatalhöyük, interviews Ruth Tringham about Çatalhöyük. Link to video.
May 2009 NCPTT (National Center for Preservation Technology and Training) podcaster Kevin Ammons interviews Ruth Tringham about Okapi Island in Second Life “Second Life as an Archaeological Tool”. Link to podcast and transcript pdf.
July 2009 Interview with U.C. Berkeley Engaged Scholarship Initiative (BESI). Link to video.
November 2009. Video of interviews with the students and teachers of a UCB Freshman/Sophomore seminar class (Anthro 39B) on “Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Archaeology”; interviewees include the class instructors Ruth Tringham and Colleen Morgan. Link to video
August 2013. Pietro Ferraris, designer of the mapping software for iOS – Map2App, interviews Ruth Tringham about the Angel Island app that she created with Map2App. Link to video.
Text Interviews
March 2003. Breck Parkman interviews Ruth Tringham as part of the “Meet the Archaeologist” series for the Society of Californi9a Archaeology
March 2004 RET_Berkleyan_030304.pdf. Berkeleyan re Mellon pedagogy.
2004 RET_Fall2004_Letter Home.pdf. Letter Home re Mellon pedagogy.
2004 Berkeleyan Secret Lives of Faculty.
October 2007 Douglass Bailey interviews Ruth Tringham at Stanford University about Okapi Island in Second Life, published in the Rumania journal Studie de Preistorie, 4:7-16. Link to pdf
October 2007 “Parallel Lives – An Interview with Ruth Tringham” Ruth Tringham interviewed by archaeologists Brit Solli and Marie Louise Stig Sorensen. An attempt to find parallels between my life and that of the journal NAR. Published in Norwegian Archaeological Review 41:1, 43-52. link to pdf
2013 (with Michael Shanks and Christopher Witmore) “Ruth Tringham”. In Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a discipline, edited by W. Rathje, M. Shanks and C. Witmore, pp. 308-334. Routledge, London and New York.